Ayurvedic Cleanse 101
During your 3 day cleanse, you will cleanse your body and especially your liver. Your morning cup of Joe will go away and will be replaced by a lemon saffron tea (alkalizing).
You will "fast" by eating foods within a mono diet, designed to nourish the body and rest the digestive system while forcing the body to seek out fat and toxins lodged in your internal organs, thereby detoxing.
What follows is intended to be a helpful guide for you as you embark upon this journey of cleansing, rest, and detox. Be good to yourself and honor the feelings that may arise from ridding the body of toxins and removing addictive stimulants from your daily routine. Your body will thank you for it and after 3 days you will feel fresh and revived.
ALL THE FOOD YOU ARE CONSUMING NEEDS TO BE SERVED WARM/ OR LIGHTLY COOKED/ if you have to choose between cold food or microwave, choose the microwave. Warm food is important for digestion.
The foods in your bag are "READY to FINISH" because it is believed that food has vitality and a life force and should be made fresh daily when cleansing. You need to heat your soups, kitchari, and warm salads because they all require the last step of "cooking" or heating.
The foods you are eating comply with what is known as "mono-diet" (=kitchari).
A mono diet is intended to detox by "resting" your digestive system.
Plants that are on your menu are uber fresh and local, but also naturally aid liver function. Beets, collards, dark leafy greens, and generally all root vegetables are very liver friendly.
Lemon juice is alkalizing and saffron, turmeric, and ginger are anti-inflammatory.
Drink hot tea, lemon water as much as possible during the next 3 days/ DO NOT consume iced drinks or carbonated drinks (even sparkling water) as it thwarts digestion.
Headaches are common side effects of caffeine or sugar withdrawal. We ask that you wean yourself off caffeine and alcohol 3 days prior to your cleanse. Please drink plenty of water and use essential oils to help with headaches. Lemon and lavender both work well.
Honor your bodies and take it easier than normal over the next three days.
Light exercise is essential but nothing too strenuous
Go to bed early and remember to take your supplements
As you begin to detox the body and release toxins you may feel: tired, experience loss of energy, or feel foggy. You may experience headaches due to caffeine or sugar addiction.
Quick Notes on Caffeine:
If you rely on caffeine every day to function you are borrowing from the bank of "energy" and never paying it back. It will catch up with you. Caffeine is dehydrating and relying on artificial stores of energy is not sustainable. Rest is the answer. Learn new habits.
*Please read all instructions before embarking on your cleanse. Please follow the Pharm Table Mantras during and after your cleanse.
Follow Instructions Days 1-3
Breakfast (7:00am – 8:00am)
Drink: Lemon Saffron Tea Empty the contents of your 2 oz container with lemon and saffron into 1 cup of hot water. Directions: Reheat using stove top (not microwave). Drink warm, not hot.
EAT a spoonful of Ginger Ayurvedic Meal Starter (to stimulate digestion).The ginger meal starter should have a piece of ginger, juice, dab of honey, pinch of salt and a spearmint leaf. *hits all 6 flavors in the Ayurvedic flavor wheel *
DRINK 3oz Wellness Shot (Choose: Beet, Turmeric or Ginger).
EAT 16 oz Soup or Bone Broth Directions: Reheat stove top.
DRINK CCF Tea (liver-cleansing). Coriander, Fennel Detox Tea
Directions: Bring water just to a boil 180 degrees. Steep the contents of one of the CCF tea containers in a french press. Drink throughout the day. You can re-steep up to three times.
Optional: Drink hot lemon water tea throughout the day
Lunch (12:00pm – 1:00pm)
EAT a spoonful of Ayurvedic Meal Starter (to stimulate digestion).
EAT Lunch Kitchari Bowl & Lunch Soup/Bone Broth (8oz) *Eat the soup/broth first, followed by the kitchari, OR use the soup/broth to reheat the kitchari.
Directions: Reheat Kitchari on the stove top with ½ cup of water and one tablespoon of ghee or coconut oil. If using the soup/broth with the kitchari, use 8oz. Reheat soup on the stovetop.
DRINK 3 oz Wellness Shot (Choose: Beet, Turmeric or Ginger).
DRINK CCCF Tea (liver-cleansing). Coriander, Fennel Detox Tea. Directions: Bring water just to a boil 180 degrees. Steep the contents of one of the CCF tea containers in a french press. You can re-steep up to three times.
Dinner (5:00pm – 6:00pm)
EAT a spoonful of Ayurvedic Meal Starter (to stimulate digestion).
EAT Warm Salad with 8oz Soup/Bone Broth
Directions: Heat salad contents with water or ghee and lightly cook. Serve with dressing and or probiotic garnishes.
DRINK 3oz Wellness Shot (Choose: Beet, Turmeric or Ginger).
DRINK CCF Tea (liver-cleansing). Coriander, Fennel Detox Tea
Directions: Bring water just to a boil 180 degrees. Steep the contents of one of the CCF tea containers in a french press. You can re-steep up to three times.
Sleep (10:00pm)
You should be in bed with lights out by 10:00pm. Practice breathing techniques.
10 Mantras of the Pharm Table Kitchen
Breathe and be mindful! Remember to breathe in between each bite of food.
Eat plants that are local and honor each season. Eat foods that pacify your dosha (body type) in each season. Visit banyanbotanicals.com to find your dosha.
Eat until you are 80% full. Maintain a balance of 30% food, 30% air, 30% water in your stomach while eating and chew each bite 20-30 times.
Avoid acidic foods. Too many dairy, animal proteins, sugar, processed foods or coffee can produce an acidic environment in your gut.
Favor alkaline foods, such as citrus and plant-based foods.
Avoid iced or carbonated drinks. Cold or carbonated drinks slow digestion in the body. Strive to maintain a 98-degree environment in your gut. Instead drink room temperature water or hot tea.
Eat probiotic-rich foods (fermented foods), like kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut and organic miso.
Consume all 6 flavors at every meal to satisfy and balance your body. These include pungent, sour, sweet, salty, bitter and astringent flavors.
Sprout and soak your dry ingredients for increased fiber, nutrition, and ease of digestion.
Combine plants to create complete amino proteins.